Aniket Sharma



I did this project for the Information Security Systems course in a team of four. I worked on designing and writing the cipher algorithms for encryption and working with and converting the Base64 image inputs.

API Link:

Website Link:

Cryptography Cipher algorithms Firebase

Sign Language to Text Translator

I made this project as part of my 3 credit Summer Minor Project for my Bachelor's. The best model is an ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks trained on Bootstrap Aggregated data.


Bootstrap Aggregation Ensemble models Transfer Learning Tensorflow Keras Python

Signature Forgery Detection with One-shot Learning

This project made using Keras uses Convolutional Neural Network and Siamese Neural Network to detect Forged signatures with the accuracy of ~99%.

The model was trained on signatures of 50 people and works for new people without retraining the model.


Siamese Neural Network Tensorflow Keras Python

wikiHowUnofficialAPI - API to extract data from wikiHow

For one of my future Data Science projects I needed an API to collect data from wikiHow but there was nothing available. So, I created this Python package which uses Beautiful Soup to scrap information from wikiHow's website.

The package generates random articles, collects all information regarding a given article and also searches wikiHow.

Project Link:

Source Code:

BeautifulSoap Python

Matrix - Linear Algebra library for C++

While working on alpha project it was difficult to find an easy-to-use Scientific Computing library in C++. So, I designed this Matrix library.

The latest released version of the library is version 1.0.0.


C++ Google Test Google Benchmark

alpha - C++ implementation of scikit-learn

I worked on this in a team of two with one of my colleagues. This is our submission for our Object Oriented Programming Language class project.

The aim of this project is to design an easy-to-use Machine Learning library for C++, like scikit-learn for Python.



Institute Management System

I worked on this with two of my colleagues. I designed the back-end of the application using Node.js and the Database using MySQL.

This app has 4 portals: student, faculty, admin and senior admin.

It displays details in a beautiful and descriptive manner and allows admins to edit data in a easy and secure way. We made this for our Database Management class. This turned out better than what we expected.


Source Code:

MySQL JavaScript Node.js HTML5 CSS3

TechFest Website - My Submission for WebKriti 2020

I designed this with the help of my friend who helped in the front-end design. I used HTML5 and CSS3 for the front-end, Node.js for back-end and MySQL for the Database.

This is a fully functional light-weight website which provides an easy to use interface to check and register for events.


Source Code:

MySQL JavaScript Node.js HTML5 CSS3

Other Projects

I have also worked on many small projects. The below is the non-exhaustive list of these: